domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2016


1. What is a mechanism?

Everyday mechanisms that make life easier and more enjoyable.

  • The clain of a bicycle transfers motion to the back wheel.

  • The bar of a seesaw forms a lever that we can use for fun

  • The gears inside old-fashioned clocks let us measured time

  • The pulley system above a well helps us to bring up water

The mechanisms all have something in common. They make work easier because they transmit and transform force and motion.

The mechanisms requiered the input force.
The mechanisms transmit motion and force to receptors that finally perform the work.

This is the output force and motion.

1.1 The parts of a mechanism 

Mechanism transmit and transform force and motion from an input source to an output receptor. This transmission and transformation lets us perform different types of work with more comfort and less effort.

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